Unit 7



At the beginning of Unit 7, Ken Miller posed these questions about the scientific future:

• Will studies of plant reveal new compounds that can be effective in treating human disease?
• Can we learn enough from studies of plant genetics to produce new crops that will feed more people around the world and place less stress on the environment?

• Will studies of plant reveal new compounds that can be effective in treating human disease?

Bioprospecting in the National Parks The US National Park System has a new bioprospecting program designed to make it easier for scientists and biotechnology companies to study their unique animals, plants, and microbes in hopes of developing new drugs and medicines.

Medical Treasures of the Rainforest A description of some of the medical riches under development from plants and other organisms in the tropical rainforest.

• Can we learn enough from studies of plant genetics to produce new crops that will feed more people around the world and place less stress on the environment?

GM crops in the Third World A new study shows that many GM (genetically-modified) crops perform far better under third world conditions than they do in the US or Europe. From Scientific American.

Cotton Crops in India According to a new report from the BBC, new strains of cotton have dramatically improved crop yields in the Indian subcontinent.


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