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Searching for New Species

How many living species are there on planet Earth? So far, scientists have identified about 1.5 million species, a number so large that most of us can scarcely imagine so much diversity.

People who actually work in the field searching for new species, however, believe that we have only begun to scratch the surface - millions of new species, they believe, are still awaiting discovery and identification.

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This topic is discussed on page 456 of the Dragonfly Book.

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Web Resources on the Search for New Species:

The All-Species Foundation
An international foundation dedicated to an complete inventory of life on earth. One of the interesting resources at this site is an All-Species "Toolkit," which allows easy access to databases listing known species and their characteristics.

Discover Life
An organization dedicated to the study and exploration of life in the Great Smoky Mountains of the United States. By focusing on this National Park, researchers hope to obtain a snapshot of life in one of the most beautiful and interesting places in the United States.

Oregon Dragonfly and Damselfly Survey
Hey, this is the "Dragonfly Book," right? Many species of these beautiful insects remain to be discovered. Here's a website dedicated to a survey of dragonflies in the state of Oregon.

A New Species in Erie County?
Do you think that new species are only found in exotic locations like the Mazon rain forest? Sometimes they're right in front of us in the most ordinary locations. Here's a news story from October 2002 describing the discovery of a new species of moth in Erie Country, Pennsylvania!

A New Order of Insects
Discovering a new species is one thing. Discovering a new Order of animals is something else again. This BBC report outlines how this new group of insects was discovered, and gives some of its remarkable characteristics.

(A web site developed by Ken Miller and Joe Levine to provide scientific and education support for teachers and students using our textbooks)