Teaching Resources from millerandlevine.com


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When the first US case of BSE (mad cow disease) was reported in December of 2003, Joe Levine and Ken Miller wrote two new "virtual textbook" pages to supplement the Dragonfly Book:

• The first page (490A) describes the discovery of prions by Stanley Prusiner, the prion hypothesis, and some of the diseases linked to prions. It also describes the outbreak of BSE in Great Britain in the 1990s, as well as the measures taken to contain it. Figure 19-18 illustrates how prions are formed by the misfolding of a cellular protein.

Click Here to download a PDF file with both textbook pages.

• The second page (490B) explores the public health implications of BSE, and recounts the lessons learned by authorities in Britain. Students are asked to consider the measures being taken int he United States, as well as the economic implications of these measures.

Both pages are intended for classroom use, and you should feel free to copy them and to distribute them freely.


Finally, be sure to visit our Mad Cow Page, which contains other teaching resources on BSE, and features two essays by author Joe Levine:

"When Science Faces the Unknown"

"20-20 Hindsight"




